Copyright Policy and Resource Guide Westmont Copyright Policy

It is the policy of Westmont College to communicate, abide by, and enforce the provisions of the copyright laws as they affect the College, its faculty, staff and students. Copyrighted materials, whether they are print or non-print, may not be duplicated unless such reproduction meets "fair use" standards, or unless written permission from the copyright holder has been received. This resource guide gives details about fair use and can be accessed on the Westmont Website at Questions regarding the College copyright policy may be directed to either of the following: Leslie Smith, Textbook Manager; or John Murray, Director of Information and Library Services.

If a College employee (e.g., Media Services, Textbook Manager or a Reprographics staff member) is asked to make copies that he or she believes would violate the copyright law, then the employee will share with the person making the request why the employee believes it is inappropriate to make the copies. 

The College does not sanction illegal duplication in any form. Members of the College community who willfully disregard the copyright law do so at their own risk and assume all liability.