Manager's Toolkit Screening and Initial Interview by HR

A Human Resources staff member will be dedicated to your recruit. This typically is the person that assisted in the requisition and job description revision process, but occasionally, once the recruit is approved, another staff member will take over the recruit.

Please work directly with your specific recruiter for all updates and requests for information.  Your recruiter will have the most updated information and best knowledge of your search details.

Beyond the application review, Human Resources further screens candidates by conducting first round interviews.  The objective here is to identify the best-qualified candidates. This saves time and effort on the part of the hiring department where interviewing often involves several people.  It results in the most objective initial evaluation of candidates, thus helping to protect the college from potential complaints and legal challenges.  It also helps to ensure that the recruiting team interviews only those candidates who meet the minimum job requirements, have a potential fit at Westmont, and affirm the Statement of Faith and Community Life Statement.

In addition, Human Resources may conduct “courtesy interviews” considered desirable for public relations reasons; thus helping to keep the team members from feeling obligated to meet with unqualified applicants. 

Human Resources provides electronic application information to managers for those candidate that should be reviewed and interviewed.  Applicant materials should always be kept confidential out of respect for candidates and to reduce liability to the college.

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