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Campaign Contributes $485,329 to Scholarships

A three-day challenge match with a goal of $100,000 for Westmont student scholarships raised nearly five times that amount. Learning, Calling, Community and You, which launched May 9, brought in a total of $485,329 after a group of generous trustees matched donations. The campaign featured stories and videos of Westmont students.

“In the first 24 hours, generous donors overwhelmed us with their response,” said Reed Sheard, vice president for college advancement and CIO.

By the end of the first day, the college had received $92,000 toward the $100,000 goal and decided to extend the challenge with another $100,000 trustee match.

“We’re deeply grateful for the outpouring of support from the Westmont community,” Sheard says. “Thanks to the generosity of our donors and trustees, hundreds of Westmont students will benefit from scholarship aid.”